The College of Veterinary Medicine was in full force leading the 1st virtual student onboarding/college orientation program among its students held on Tuesday, 25 August 2020. We thank the VSU Web Team headed by Mr. Jed Asaph Cortes and the University Integrated Media Team headed by Mr. Ulderico Alviola for accomodating us and the remarkable technical support.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s enrollment of the College was a record high with at least 85 first year students and 462 overall. Among others, the orientation highlighted the goals and objectives of the College in relation to the vision and mission of the Univesity, faculty and staff, college milestones,  the DVM program, VMLE topnothers, physical resources, and research and extension activites.

You can watch the full version of the CVM Student Onboarding below. Thanks to the VSU Web Team and UIMT for the full-length video.

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