We have identified the 5S- reasons and why you should consider:
1. Specialization
Advancement in the practice of veterinary science and medicine requires specialized knowledge and skills in your chosen field of interest. Your area of specialization will augment the quality of your contribution to the industry you belong to and thereby enhance its service credibility. More skills and experiences gained through this program mean more endowment of trust and dependability on you, the values which strongly mean unparallelled expertise required for personal growth as well as profesional career development.
2. Stepping up
The DVM program has allowed you open doors of almost endless possibilties. Completing a graduate degree course is a step up for increased potential and opportunitites. Depending on how you look at it, more and more companies today both from public and private institutions require at least an MS degree as minimum requirement for entry and/or moving up to high-level positions. Fortunately, today’s opportunities for ‘stepping up’ are becoming more and more accessible from open scholarships, graduate assistantships, fellowships, and MS/PhD grants, among others.
3. Stability
Change appears to be the only constant thing as they say. Education is a lifelong process. Whether or not you enroll in a formal advanced degree program, everyday promises a load of learning outcomes. Speaking about employment/unemployment rates, it appears that advanced professional degree holders are more likely to retain and grow in their respective workplaces. The opportunities are open and anyone is welcome.
4. Social
Certainly, who wants to be coming back inside the classroom and sit down for an hour or two listening to a bookish professor! Well, certainly, that is not what a graduate degree program is all about. Having gained specialized knowledge and skills in your chosen field and stepped up for the industry you belong, you also inevitably expand your personal/professional network among like-minded people. As the saying goes, your network impacts your net worth. The field of veterinary science and medicine is one among those with extensive fields to choose from. This is reflected by the many and various professional bodies/colleges within the Philippine Veterinary Medical Association (PVMA). While earning a graduate degree does not guarantee your entry to these veterinary organizations, your specialization will definitely pave the way as you come to know more and more people doing the same thing as you do.
5. Security
If security means growing and being promoted in your professional career allowing you to earn more, is really just an icing on the cake. One reality however is that things change as careers do. Continuing professional education (CPE) whether in a form of a graduate degree program, special education courses, and/or relevant trainings provides not only yourself but also the people you work with, some assurance of your seriousness and commitment in the work you do with a high degree of professionalism.